Saturday, May 27, 2006

What I'm watching and what I'm reading.

You should know that I have much love for Phillip Seymour Hoffman. I seriously adore him. I finally saw Capote the other night. I really thought I wouldn't be able to get into it because of The Voice. But, I was wrong. It was great. Fantastic. I loved PSH and now I want to read more Capote, including In Cold Blood. Am I a sucker for marketing? Probably.

I am reading Russka by Edward Rutherfurd. I typically read his books in the same fashion that I eat any kind of pasta dish - too quickly and never knowing when to stop, staying up far too late to read "just one more chapter." I especially love Sarum and London. Unfortunately I'm having a difficult time keeping up with Russka. I enjoy it, but it's much easier to put down than I'm used to as far as his books go.

Tonight I'm going to watch Transamerica, with Felicity Huffman, whom I have been fond of since Sports Night. I can't wait to see her play a guy trying to be a woman.

All I need now is a good William H. Macy film to complete the triumverate of actors I lurve.

*edited to add that Transamerica was fantastic. The scenes with the main character's family, especially the mom, were painful to watch - it was that well-done.

Yeah, right, like I don't know who you are. Cutie!!
PSH rocks, I agree! And Capote was fantastic. I highly recommend all of his books (even the bitchy, unfinished "Answered Prayers") and especially the biography the movie was based on. Good stuff!
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