Saturday, June 24, 2006
Don't let anyone tell you sports isn't funny.
Mr. Zoo House and I went to Seattle last Sunday to see the Giants play the Mariners. Now, I've been to my share of games at the ballyard (though I just learned that day that apparently another word for it is, in fact, "ballyard"), but in typical Candace fashion any new knowledge coming from the sports arena leaves my brain almost as quickly as it enters, so each game is usually like my very first game.
Anyhoo, while we were maneuvering our way past all the concession stands and other vendors hawking (is it "hawking"?) their wares ("Stop here for your complimentary gift! That means it's free!" Uh, thanks for explaining, Bubba.), I noticed a Chinese food stand and immediately felt embarrassed for them as they had obviously misspelled the name of their little mini-restaurant. It was called "Intentional Wok." It wasn't until I said the name out loud to El Fyd to point out how much smarter I was than the owners that I realized it wasn't supposed to be "International Wok." Oh no. It was intentional all right.
I suppose my embarrassment was fitting considering we were two of about 11 fans in the stadium/ballyard who applauded Barry Bonds rather than booing him.
Anyhoo, while we were maneuvering our way past all the concession stands and other vendors hawking (is it "hawking"?) their wares ("Stop here for your complimentary gift! That means it's free!" Uh, thanks for explaining, Bubba.), I noticed a Chinese food stand and immediately felt embarrassed for them as they had obviously misspelled the name of their little mini-restaurant. It was called "Intentional Wok." It wasn't until I said the name out loud to El Fyd to point out how much smarter I was than the owners that I realized it wasn't supposed to be "International Wok." Oh no. It was intentional all right.
I suppose my embarrassment was fitting considering we were two of about 11 fans in the stadium/ballyard who applauded Barry Bonds rather than booing him.