Monday, July 24, 2006

Wicked heatwave.

I feel like frickin Elphaba. I'm melting. Melting! It's been in the triple digits for a few days now here in the "temperate" (coughbullshitcough) Pacific Northwest. I've been holed up in our finished basement with one or two fans blowing directly on me at all times. Whenever I have to move, it immediately feels like I'm in a sauna and I become a whiny pisspot. :P

Forget about keeping up the house. It took me three days to finish all the laundry - much of it was sitting around unfolded in laundry baskets for a day or two. It's about all I can do to unload and load the dishwasher before I start to feel the vapors and have to sit down in front of a fan. And what is it about heatwaves that make animals want to be RIGHT UP NEXT TO YOU at all times? Too much fur in my house.

Movies I have watched in said basement:

In the few sporadic moments over the weekend that I had some clarity, I tried to brainstorm how to afford installing central air before next summer. Stay tuned.

Clarity is a paltry phenomenon.
"meme" is the new phenomenon.
Amelie is one of my favorite movies.
I an sad that you didn't like it. :(
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