Friday, September 22, 2006

things I forgot about having a kitten:

  1. I now find things like belts all over the house, no matter how well I think I've kept them up too high.
  2. Anything moving somewhat quickly (even feet when walking) is enough to drive him into a frenzy and attack.
  3. No matter how many times he gets scared of the dogs, he still keeps coming back for more.
  4. No matter where he is when he gets scared of said dogs, he will run OVER me (claws extended, naturally) to get away.
  5. Kittens can apparently levitate up five feet if their food dish is up there. Even if they didn't see you put it there.
  6. Fishing garbage like used tissues out of the trash can is fun!
  7. Crocheting + Kittens = snags
  8. Kittens move fast. And often run right under your feet for some reason.
  9. They don't appreciate knock knock jokes.
  10. Kittens will continue to run outside regardless of how many times dogs show up and spook them as soon as they get outside.

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