Thursday, November 02, 2006

I deserve a good neighbor award.

Last weekend I mistakenly left the bathroom door open whilst The Mister was showering, the steam from which triggers the heat sensor connected to the alarm company. Of course! The alarm goes off. Brilliant. I thought I turned it off in enough time and of course went back upstairs. Where I can't hear anyone knocking on the door. It wasn't until the dogs' barking notified me that someone was at the door. I wasn't going to answer until I noticed the flashing lights from the street in front of the house. Yeah, it was a fire truck. I opened the door and immediately four fire fighters popped up from random places around my house, all with their walkie-talkies or whatever the technical term is. That's not embarrassing at all. :|

However, I discovered later that our neighbors gave them their set of keys to our house in case we weren't home and they thoroughly enjoyed Hot Fire Fighter Saturday. At least my embarrassment is worthwhile to someone.

Completely true, I got to give your keys to the hottest - though I promise (sort of) that I was more worried about your place burning down (no really) and it hadn't crossed my mind that all these hot firemen were around until I knew everything was safe and sound (okay, I lie).
tee hee! :)
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