Sunday, December 31, 2006

well, hello, Dolly!

So this year El Fyd's company turned 100. In September they held the company picnic at the Oregon Zoo. Free admission, animal gawking, hot dogs and burgers - all good! There was also supposed to be a concert by Pink Martini. Apparently the concert was canceled due to an illness. So, Pink Martini offered the company an apology concert, which was tonight. And we got free tickets even though we hadn't planned on staying at the picnic to see the concert. :O

I'm not ashamed to admit I wasn't all that jazzed about it. But when we got there, we learned there was a special guest. CAROL CHANNING. Yeah, for reals. Seriously, if you haven't seen an 86-year-old performer shimmying and half-gyrating on stage, and shooting out the occasional sexual innuendo (including one about how the long jump used to be called the broad jump HEY-O!) , you haven't lived. She could not have been funnier. And at one point her fourth (according to IMDb) husband joined her for a little dance. Two 80-something cutie patootie old folks. Hilarious.

Oh, and Pink Martini was good too. :)

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