Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Hilarity ensues!

When I was a kid (and watching a lot of TV) it seems like all the sitcoms I watched cycled through the same storylines. And no, I'm not remembering the same sitcom. Like, I remember when several sitcoms had storylines about the kids having to get their tonsils out. I was 8 years old, the same age my mom was when she had her tonsils taken out, so I remember feeling very worried that it was a sign that mine would have to come out too. I didn't like ice cream then, and don't like Jell-O, so I was afraid I would have nothing to eat. I still have my tonsils, by the way.

Another storyline I seem to remember seeing frequently is of someone throwing their back out. That's always funny. Characters lying on the floor, or hanging in a doorway upside down in some weird torture-like device to correct whatever the problem was. You can't not have funny stuff happen in situations like that!

Until it happens to you. Or, in this case, me. I don't know what I did to my back since I was fine for most of the day until I got up from the couch to make dinner, and suddenly it was Neanderthal time. I can't walk upright. Yup, I hurt myself getting up from the couch, apparently. And now I'm hobbling around like a witch in a children's fairy tale. owie.

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