Wednesday, December 20, 2006

said at jury duty:

Smelly Potential Juror: "So when you say 'involved' in a motor vehicle accident, do you mean driving? or just involved?"

Chatty Lawyer Guy: "Uh, no you don't need to be the one driving."

SPJ: "Oh, then I've been in like 3 accidents when I was on my bike! It was back when I was drinking a lot."

*blink blink*
SPJ made at least 7 such comments. He and I and 28 other potential jurors sat through vois dire for two and a half hours. TWO AND A HALF HOURS. I wasn't picked. I'll give you one guess who was one of the ones who was picked. Yup.

Two things for those of you who show up for jury duty at the Multnomah County Courthouse downtown:
  1. Dress warmly. I wore a t-shirt under my sweater and knee-high boots under my jeans and was still freezing, both in the jury room and in court.
  2. Bring your laptop. The jury room has a free wireless connection.

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