Monday, January 22, 2007

Why cats are funny:

or, at least, why the cats in my house are funny:
  1. The foster kittens, whenever I open the door to go downstairs, come bounding up the stairs at lightening speed. Then, when I close the door behind me, the flop down on a step as if I won't see them. Then they refuse to get out of the way even when I'm about to step on them.
  2. Moe's long memory about where his fishing wand toy is kept and how he will immediately appear from anywhere in the house when we open the door to the closet where said toy is stored. Add to this Moe's shock and bewilderment that the other cats enjoy playing with said fishing wand toy and he doesn't get it all to himself.
  3. Claudius, playing with afore-mentioned fishing wand toy, grabbing it in his teeth, ears back, leaning back on his haunches, walking backwards as if he's actually going to get anywhere with his prize.
  4. Claudius's short memory about the dogs and the fact that they will chase him. And the fact that he has never learned to just not run.
  5. And finally, the moment that made me laugh so hard I almost choked; the moment that made the past decade of being a cat owner worthwhile (if, of course, all the many other moments didn't do so); the moment that won't be as funny without a video or even photographic evidence, but I'll try anyway. Feeding time means all five cats hovering in the kitchen, meowing pathetically as if they haven't eaten in weeks. The five cats don't all get along, but at feeding time they're so focused on me and food that they'll stay in close proximity even though they may not like each other. Anyway, the other day Claudius noticed Pandora (The Cat Who Never Comes Downstairs), and started a play-attack by getting up on his hind legs as if to pounce, only Pandora started walking away. Instead of falling back on all fours and chasing her, Claudius continued to walk on his hind feed for at least half a dozen steps, with his front paws outstretched, walking the wobbly drunk-like walk of a toddler taking his first steps. Freaking hilarious.
And all of this and more is why I put up with crap like: not being able to walk without rambunctious kittens grabbing for my feet or pants; having to find hiding places for boxes of tissue because certain cats think of them as inviting toys; having to outfit my house with covered trash cans, and so on.

hey, nice to know about Claudius. Wat a cat!!

And hey, just check this dogs questioning a cat!
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