Friday, March 09, 2007

My blog angst.

So I'm not a frequent blogger. Either I think of things to say while I'm in the car and forget when I get home; or I have nothing to say because the most exciting thing I did that day was bathe the dogs (and I've already posted about that a couple of times here :O ); or I can't bring myself to share the deep inner stuff because my mom or mother-in-law may read it (Hi, Elisabeth!). I mean, even the people led here by such specific searches as "nail biting" and "salad sac" must be sorely disappointed. :P

So, until I figure it out, I give you a list of businesses in Montavilla (to the right), the neighborhood where I live. It's actually a list of the businesses in the span of a block or two down the street. And with the exception of Ya Hala, they've all opened in the 2.75 years that we've lived here. We bring all the cool stuff. Please note the Academy Theater is celebrating their first anniversary of the grand (re)opening this weekend! There will be a Wizard of Oz and Grease Sing-along!

And, an unrelated sidebar - because I like to help my fellow man - if you ever find yourself using Dove lotion to soothe your dry hands, whatever you do, do NOT rub your eyes after applying the lotion. motherbleepingOWWWWW!

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